Fire Fall / the unexpected

When it comes to the Winter season, plans have always been one of those things that are easily ruined by the ever changing conditions that the mountains bring. We ventured into the Yosemite Valley to capture Fire Fall, only expecting to stay a few days in that area before heading south. After the first day, we checked the forecast only to notice a winter system that was going to be moving into the area. We quickly made some adjustments to our schedule, and woke up the next morning to a blanket of snow that covered the Yosemite Valley.

Fire Fall has always been something I have wanted to capture. With only a small window at the end of the day to capture the sunlight as it hits Horsetail Falls, we had a challenge when we saw that the forecast was calling for mostly clouds the entire week. After arriving on the first day, we noticed that predictions were showing a little bit of sun and clear skies in the evening. We ventured into the park for sunset, and witnessed one of the most beautiful spectacles that I have ever seen.